Meet Our Team
We are proud of the Instructors we have on our team here at Countdown Ministries International Training Center. Our instructors come from a variety of back grounds and bring with them a wealth of knowledge to share with our students
Featuring - Our Tream:
Crystal Sterling
Director of Communications
Intoducing Crystal Sterling:
Crystal is a stay at home wife and also a mom and caregiver for a young man who is Autistic. She has been involved in social media management and marketing. She also has a blog in which she shares her heart on practical ways we can be Jesus to those around us. Believing that every one has the opportunity to reach those in their sphere of influence with the Gospel of Christ. Encouraging us all that in our weakness He is our strength, and in our brokenness He sees beauty.
Lives in USA
Awan & Irean Oamar
Guest Instructor
Introducing Awan & Irean Qarmar;
Both are Teachers and have a deisire to teach the Saints of God.
Awan is a Professor in the Government College located in Schiwal, Pakistan. He is a Master of Udu and English and holds a Masters degree in Philosphy in English and Scholar Degree in English as well.He's working on a Master of Explository Degree and His PHD.
Awan works with the youth in his area, discipling them in the word of God.
Lives in Pasistan
George Chore
Introducing George Chor;
George has a Bachelor Degree in Bible Thelogy from Africa Theological Seminary, a Diploma in Bible from Pentecostal Bible College, and Priestly Ordination with the Assembly of God. George is a Minister and Overseer with the Assembly of God. He has been a Missionary in Fort Portal Uganda, and Assit. Bishop of Mtori Automous Church. George is a facilator for Bible Collage International and Evangalical Explosion in Kenya. He also is mobilizing Sensitiational progams in Schools, Colleges and Universities, as well as being the Director and Coordinator of Heart of Marriages in Kenya.
Lives in Kenya Africa
Jacob & Mary Vadiapati
Introducing Jacob and Mary Vadiapati;
Jacob pastors a church in Inda as well as oversees 20 churches in the surrounding area. Jacob and His wife have a stong desire to reach the lost souls.They have orphan children to care for and continue to work with their branch churches to desciple people for Christ. I have known Jacob and His ministry for years and look forward to working with them.
Lives in India
Even though we're using different ministries to contribute video teachings and write lessons for this Training Center, from time to time, we will have our regular Team of Instructors that will help make this Center a Success.
Everyone is born with a Destiny
It is our God given responisbilty to help them find their gifts, talents and help them Develope Therm.
Together we can make a difference